The law firm of Beaumont Costales represents everyone. We specialize in bringing cases on behalf of the group—called “class actions.” Class actions are an important and unique part of American culture and law. We are one of the only countries in the world that permit a single person to file a lawsuit on behalf of a whole group of people. The class action is a powerful tool to effect change in our everyday world. Class actions can make businesses stop discriminating against workers. Class actions can stop banks from charging us hidden fees. Class actions can make advertisers change their policies of deceiving us about the products they sell.
But every class action needs a champion: that single individual, the leader, who steps forward from the group to represent. Is that you? Take a look below at the types of lawsuits we file. If you think you have a case, contact us!


In the United States, there are laws protecting workers’ rights. It is important that we, as a society, make sure those laws are enforced. All workers deserve to be treated with a basic level of human decency. But in the real world that does not always happen. Our law firm has handled many cases where workers are underpaid, stolen from, lied to, and discriminated against.
To change that, Beaumont Costales files lawsuits. These lawsuits are designed to modify the policies of the companies who break the law. They can affect all workers of that company, past and present. If the company did not pay overtime, now it must pay what it owes. If the company has a policy that discriminates against women, now that policy must be changed.
Even though our lawsuits are filed on behalf of all workers at a specific company, they still need a representative. A leader who is willing to come forward and enforce everybody’s rights. If you think you are that person, contact us to make it happen.


If you are reading this, it has probably happened to you. That little extra charge on your statement they didn’t tell you about. That gadget you bought that never worked like they said it would. That time you read the fine print in the contract and could not believe what they snuck in. We’ve all been scammed at one point or another. Many companies—even well-known and respected corporations—make big money nickeling and diming ordinary Americans with hidden fees, bogus charges, and outright lies. Often this form of theft is so small that most people don’t think they can do anything about it.
But you don’t have to just take it. There is something we can do. We can file class action lawsuits. These lawsuits can make corporations pay back everyone who they took advantage of. By combining everyone’s case into one class action, the democratic power of the group can compel corporations to change their behavior. They may not hear just one voice, but when you represent the voices of thousands of other people, they will have to listen.
Every class action needs that representative. Maybe it’s you. If you want to get back what was taken from you, and help stick up for everyone else, contact us.
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